Saturday, October 11, 2008

After looking at some other students' movies, I was very impressed! We decided to do a story, but people had some great ideas and really impressed me! I guess I didn't realize all the possibilites! There were some on political issues, books, and informational! There are also so many fun things you can do with text, audio, pictures, videos, etc... I really enjoyed making the video and really think this is something I will use with my future classes!

Right now, I think I am interested in teaching 3rd grade. It would be fun to have the class create a story together (about something you are learning about in science for instance) and then make pictures, take photographs, and make little videos and have them see how you can take a subject, story, or anything you come up with, and make it into a video!

So I think I am rediculous, but I will post my video later! I am having issues with the uploading! You can see it on Madelyn's blog though!

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