Wednesday, December 10, 2008

Internet Safety Videos

I watched some isafe podcasts, ikeepsafe faux paws, and NetSmarts Video Resources

What were the most important things you learned?

I learned a lot about how easily predators can find you. You have to be so careful not to give out any information that people could use to track you down. Also, I thought it was really interesting to learn about secured websites. I often buy things on the internet or put in information without knowing if a site is secured or not. I will definitely be more careful!

How might you use the resources you discovered in your future classroom or home?

These resources could be great to show to students in your classroom. It is important to provide them with opportunities to use the internet, but we need to be careful about making sure they know how to keep themselves safe both at home and while at school. We need to take advantage of being educated with technology because a lot of these kids' parents don't have those same priveledges. Same thing at home. I will make sure my children know the dangers of the internet and educate them on how to keep their identity safe!

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